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Alfons Natterer – background and classification

Barbara R.: In your book “Electroactivated Water – an Invention with Extraordinary Potential” you describe that the Munich engineer Alfons Natterer was probably the first to consciously produce electroactivated water for many years. In your lecture on YouTube you also show a replica of his 3-chamber cell, in which he produced alkaline and acidic as well as neutral electrolyte water. Why has today's water ionizer industry - and apparently you too - switched from the 3-chamber system to 2-chamber systems? Natterer also obviously had success with the neutral “Hydropuryl” – and not everyone likes or needs to drink alkaline water.

This is not exactly easy to explain and it will therefore be a very detailed answer. In short, Natterer himself has apparently gradually moved away from neutral hydropuryl and no longer directly promotes it in his most recent documents. The reason seems to be that if a pH-neutral electrolyte water is desired, this can also be created by deliberately mixing the acidic and basic types.
But let's start from the beginning. According to information from his grandson Siegfried Natterer, who gave me many documents from his grandfather's estate for analysis, Alfons Natterer lived from 1893 to 1981 and was 88 years old. Born on January 18.1.1893, 1930 in Altusried, he came to Munich, where in XNUMX he began to think about the possibility of brewing Munich and Pilsen style beer with electrolytically treated water, which he wanted to standardize so that it could be produced anywhere in the world .

The Weiden newspaper “Der Neue Tag” reported this in a full-page special publication in 1974 on the occasion of his company anniversary in Wernberg/Upper Palatinate, where he had moved his water factory in later years.
Beer, especially Pilsner beer, requires water that is as soft as possible, at least in the brewing phase of boiling the wort, as the ingredients in the malt can be extracted better with this than with hard water.
There were a few ideas circulating in the 1920s about the treatment of drinking water by using electrolysis with direct current: Botho Graf von Schwerin's Berlin Elektro-Osmose-Aktiengesellschaft formulated the “purification of water by electro-osmotic means” in a patent issued on September 11.9.1921, XNUMX. probably the first invention that was also intended to benefit the “manufacture of artificial mineral water” and beer brewing. She described an electrical method because all chemical additions to water “only cause reactions that remove one salt and create a new one.”

The proposed solution was to install two different diaphragms in an electrolytic cell instead of just one, creating a third chamber (M) in the middle from which the feed water ions (S) flow to the anode chamber (An) or cathode chamber, depending on their charge (Kn) can be drawn. An and Kn are flushed with tap water via the inflows D and the outflows F. The pump P circulates the water through the electric field of M until the desired degree of deionization of S is reached. According to the patent, the complete deionization process takes up to 37,5 hours. What remains unmentioned is that it was not considered at the time that alkaline and acidic activated water flow from drains F. The device is just as much a circulating water ionizer as it is a circulating deionizer! Here is the drawing for the Reich Patent DE 383666:

Diagram Imperial Patent DE 383666

Natterer also worked with very long electrolysis times of around 24 hours.
The document DE 631496 by the Austrian-born Paris researcher Jean Billiter, which was granted as a German patent from April 13.4.1929, XNUMX, was also about purity. But his “Process for the purification of low-salt solutions, especially natural water with the help of electric current” also sees circumstances in the acidic anolyte and the alkaline catholyte that are difficult to calculate. With his invention he would like to describe a process that can even compete with multiple distillation in terms of the degree of purity achieved in the middle chamber.
The special feature of Billiter's 3-chamber cell is the use of liquid-permeable membranes and the maintenance of ion separation through hydrostatic pressure.
At the beginning of the 30s, the discussion about the deionization of water reached its peak. The Munich inventor Karl Kaisser succeeded in constructing a completely diaphragm-free electrolysis cell with 3 chambers. Using fluid dynamics and rubber flaps, he wanted to prevent the ions from mixing back with the water. Kaiser's invention was first recorded on March 27, 1931. In 1936 it was supplemented with additional additions. Their main purpose was seawater desalination. As we know, other processes such as reverse osmosis have become established today. Kaiser's invention flopped, but his patent was internationally valid. Here is Kaiser's complex construction drawing:

Complex construction drawing

Alfons Natterer also tried to bypass the sensitive diaphragms using sophisticated flow technology. Whether he used the cell construction he later patented back in the 30s could not be determined either from documents from the estate or from questioning his grandson Siegfried. Natterer first applied for a process patent “for preserving liquids, in particular for producing therapeutic liquids,” which was also protected from June 1, 1944. He did not register the ultimately successful version of his “device” until October 1, 1948, and it took 12 years, until April 1, 1960, until the patent specification44) was handed over to him.

At this point in time, Natterer's electrolysis cells had already been in production for a long time. Photos that still exist show nothing typical. However, there is a drawing from Natterer's company published in a women's magazine from the Berchtesgaden era that clearly shows what was important to him. You can see that the middle chamber is slightly larger than the cathode and anode chambers. This shows that, even in the 50s, Natterer still wanted to extract as much of the medium, neutral water as possible, similar to the earlier concepts of von Schwerin AG, Billiters and Kaissers.

Natterer patent



Woman in the mirror.

Incidentally, the beer brewers did not accept his water and from 1937 he sold it through pharmacies at prices per liter that must have made the brewers green with envy...

First, here is the drawing from “Frau im Spiegel” from November 13, 1954: This is roughly what the first consciously operated water ionizer looked like.

In 1934, the active Natterer had, with the help of the Munich doctor Dr. Tyroff and the Viennese physician Dr. Leinberger discovered a beneficial effect of electrolyte water on metabolic diseases. The only source for this is the newspaper article from “The New Day.” How many development steps there were from the first 3-chamber cell to the complex system of the granted patent cannot be determined, since all documents and devices were published before the 11th November 1940 were destroyed in a British bombing raid on Munich.

Below is Natterer's patent drawing from 1948.

Drawings sheet 1


Fig. 1 is a horizontal section through part of the apparatus,
Fig. 2 is a section along the dash-dotted line 10 of Fig. 1.
1 and 2 schematically explain the method according to the invention with the device.
The three-chamber apparatus made of insulating material, hard rubber, glass or enamelled, rubberized or hard rubber insulated iron sheet works without diaphragms. The partition walls used to divide the chambers consist of U-shaped, vertical hard rubber profiles a (electrode chambers), with the perforated hard rubber strips b between them with glass wool insert c arranged next to each other, connected with base and head strips, making it lightweight as a whole unit removable.
The arrangement of the standing electrodes d in the U-shaped, vertical hard rubber profiles a (electrode chambers), with the perforated hard rubber strips b with glass wool insert c located between them, serves the purpose of eliminating the unrest of the ions discharged on the electrodes and thereby preventing back diffusion to prevent ions. The purpose of the glass wool insert c lying between the hard rubber strips b is to guide the two strips b in an elastic and cuddly manner, to seal them and to make them easy to replace, which is particularly necessary when cleaning the apparatus. The glass wool insert c serves as a filter and allows the ions to pass through easily, ensuring absolutely quiet work. This arrangement, in conjunction with the energy dosage, prevents back diffusion of the ions. Two such wall aggregates combined form the three-cell apparatus with the chambers H, K and S. H is the neutral, K the alkaline and S the acidic water compartment; Four units or more make up the multi-cell device, with only the glass wall E being loosely inserted.

Link to the text

In line 17 of the description of the drawing, Natterer says that the device would work without diaphragms. Nowadays, the glass wool insert used would definitely be viewed as a kind of diaphragm that at least slows down ion currents.
In fact, the term “ionized” appears in the patent description line 1/33 in connection with water, which is sometimes criticized today because of its uncleanliness. In any case, it was clearly understood by the patent experts in Germany as early as the 40s.


But the waters, which are highly ionized, also have special therapeutic effects. The pH value of the water in the cathode chamber is 7,3 to 13, depending on the duration of the treatment and the composition of the original water, so it has a pronounced alkaline character, while the water in the neutral chamber has a pH value between 6,8 and 7,2 having. In the anode chamber, a hydrogen concentration can be achieved with a pH value between 0,5 and 6,7, which corresponds to an absolutely acidic character.

The method according to the invention fundamentally differs from the previously known methods or devices for the electrolytic treatment of water or liquids in that the electrolysis takes place in the absolutely stationary state of the liquid and during the duration of the process there is neither a supply of new liquid nor a discharge of liquid or solid substances takes place.

In the previously known processes and apparatuses which are used for the electrolytic treatment of water, the aim is to bring about the greatest possible desalination in order to achieve water that has the same character as distilled water. All such processes and apparatuses therefore work with running water in order to achieve the highest possible throughput.

The invention is further based on the knowledge that the electrolysis is not only carried out in an absolutely static liquid, but that the voltage and current intensity of the direct current required to carry out the electrolysis are changed in such a way that the lowest possible power consumption is set from the start throughout Duration of the procedure is maintained.

The current consumption is limited from the start because at the start of electrolysis the required overvoltage is greater and so is the current density. For carrying out the process according to the invention, it is important that the heating of the treated liquid is as low as possible during the treatment. In addition, the low current density ensures that the gas formation that occurs on the electrodes is as low as possible and that the ions that accumulate in the electrode chambers remain at rest.

Detailed investigations and measurements have proven that only by carrying out the method on which the invention is based and designing the apparatus according to the invention can such extreme pH values ​​as already stated above be achieved.

Natterer has also already recognized and solved the fundamental problem of current control and the temperature problem of today's water ionizers.
What speaks for Natterer's high intuition is that, in contrast to today's manufacturers of top ionizers, he wanted to keep gas formation as low as possible. In fact, the alkaline activated water takes a long time to saturate with hydrogen gas, and with a pot ionizer a lot of it would escape during electrolysis. Only with a pressure-tight, closed electrolysis cell can you “press” the hydrogen into the water more quickly, as is the case with continuous ionizers today. It also works with pot ionizers that are completely filled and sealed pressure-tight. This means you don't need many hours to achieve the desired result, as the Munich inventor of the last century took.

Natterer's pot small

It was only in the summer of 2015 that I managed to overcome this hurdle with a prototype of the Aquavolta® Everfresh mobile ionizer that I had developed, which uses the very low voltage of a USB port (5 V) and the low current from a standard lithium-ion battery for cell phones and can still produce optimal electro-activated water in a short time.
Due to the long ionization time of over 12 hours, Natterer achieved “hydrogen-enriched” water, as one would put it today, with his more than hectoliter-sized, open 3-chamber electrolysis vessels in both the cathode chamber and the electrode-free middle chamber. My experiments with the basic reconstruction of one of his cells have clearly shown this.

As early as 1937, the medium neutral and hydrogen-rich Hydropuryl® electrolyte water was included in Gehe's codex of drug specialties and published the following year.

From 1937 at the latest, Natterer had a partner named W. Wagner, whose name may also be part of the later company name “NAWA” (Natterer-Wagner). According to Natterer's grandson Siegfried Natterer, Wagner stayed with the company until the end of the 70s.

It is unfortunate that the history of the first 20 years can only be proven by very few contemporary documents, as all equipment, documents and research materials were destroyed in a British bombing raid on November 8, 1940, along with the water factory in Munich, just as we were there, important ones to interest business partners in the water, as a document from December 1940, probably written by Wagner, shows.

Go Codex Hydropuryl Text
Hydropuryl – LA: “Electrolytically demineralized drinking water” for drinking treatment against metabolic diseases; (Bottles of 5 L, 10 L, 20 L). D. 3 times 1/4 L per die. H. Deutscher Hydropuryl-Vertrieb, W. Wagner, Munich 2 SO, Holzstr. 47

Hydropuryl logo




The document after the shock of the destruction attempts to at least document the latest status of the Hydropuryl® project. On page 8 there is mention of a sanatorium that was scheduled to open in April 1941. His basic equipment was set at 6000 liters (!) of electrolyte water. The document shows that Natterer's company avoided anything that might suggest a "panacea."

Natterer A large southern German house


Natterer War 01

A large southern German house writes, with reference to my letter of November 5.11.40, 8.11.40, that it is very important and is interested in the problem of the absolute quality of the water we produce for the highest quality products - unfortunately, as can be seen from the current statements, this is already a few days later (9.12.40) everything, I but also everything, were destroyed - and so this house regrets the incident in its letter of XNUMX in which it really writes:
“We confirm your letter of December 4.12.40th, 4.12: /: we have sent this letter to this house from December XNUMXth. reported the accident :/ and very much regret that they are not able to carry out the tests that had been planned. We express the hope that you will soon be able to resume your experimental work and welcome you in this spirit ……..”.


For insight into the use of water in medical areas from the remains or debris of documents! – All laboratory test series and data have been completely destroyed. –

Natterer War 02

“We avoided and suppressed everything that could smell of propaganda, because research work is not a matter of noisy life, especially because it could very well have failed in its final stage. In view of the numerous experiments in the laboratory, both biological and inorganic, it was only in August 1940 that we became indisputably certain of complete success.”

In the following paragraph, the document then reveals that all three types of hydropuryl produced by 3-chamber electrolysis, as well as mixtures thereof, have actually already been examined:
“For anyone who is able to delve into the subject at hand, it will undoubtedly have become clear that it is impossible to overlook, especially from a medical point of view, once the doctor has given the appropriate dosages, be it H, K or S or a combination, will have recognized.”

A company note on the copy explains the designations as follows: H = neutral, K = alkaline, S = acidic

The document from 1940 includes treatment successes from 1940. Since a case number 408 is mentioned at one point, at least 408 cases must have been documented by then. An assessment from today's perspective is difficult because it is usually not stated which of the three types of Hydropuryl® was used for therapy.

Without specifying the type of water, the document lists case reports for the following indications (in the medical parlance of the time):

  • Constipation
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Bile disease
  • Impaired stomach digestion
  • Hypertension
  • Shrinking kidney
  • Lead poisoning with burns to the gastric mucosa and stomach ulcer
  • Depression
  • Body fatigue
  • Unwillingness to work
  • Difficulty walking
  • Tremble
  • stomach pain
  • Food intolerance
  • Headache migraine. Foehn suffering
  • sleep disorders
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bone inflammation
  • Nervous wound healing disorder
  • Memory problems in old age
  • Stomach cramps
  • Cystitis
  • gout

The type of water used is specified for the following indications:

Sciatica (H = neutral + S = acidic)
Personal care and cosmetics (S=sour)
Intestinal disorders (first H, then S)
Kidney disease (H + S)
Difficulty breathing (K=alkaline and H)
Influenza convalescence (K + H)
Eyesight (H)
Bronchial catarrh (H)
Hearing loss (H)
Spinal cord inflammation (H)
Rheumatism (K + H)
Acne (H + S)

Despite all the sadness over the destruction of November 8, 1940, the document offers a fundamentally confident and optimistic outlook:

Natterer War 04

As a result, it cannot be surprising or surprising that there is great interest beyond the actual medical significance, not only from sanatorium circles, but also from other large institutions, and in the future not least from health centers.

But the madness of these years, which escalated into “total war,” did not lead to the construction of new buildings, but to the 90 percent destruction of Munich's old town. At the end of the war in 1945, only half of all buildings in Munich were still standing. That didn't stop Natterer and Wagner from continuing to diligently collect medical reports.

Dr. med. F. Dammert, Munich, Nimrodstrasse 4 July 7.7.1942, XNUMX

Dr. Med. F. Dammert

As a specialist in internal diseases, I have now been carrying out practical experiments in my private practice for three quarters of years with the new water with neutral and acidic reactions, which is treated by certain electrical currents, usually for a long time, and have attached great importance to these cases also under my control To maintain constant control, I can already make a judgment about the value of this sensational biological treatment method.
So far, I have selected the following categories based on particular cases:
Bronchial asthma, chronic Joint diseases, especially uric acid diathesis with degenerative chronic. Joint changes (arthrosis deformas), heart and vascular diseases, high blood pressure with atheromatosis, cases of dystonia with symptoms of exhaustion and fatigue, and also in external ha application. Cases of injuries, cell tissue inflammation, first and second degree burns.

I am surprised at the favorable and rapid healing effects observed in all cases, which I have never seen in any of the usual treatment attempts.
I explain the extremely favorable success of this internal and external use of the healing water, which is produced using a special process (longer exposure to certain electrical currents), primarily through intensive cell activation of the tissue and stimulation of the metabolism.

This new healing method opens up an unimagined perspective in both medical and plant biology and I had the opportunity to check the latter in the laboratory for plant experiments.
Based on these interesting observations, I can only hope that the further development of this promising procedure will receive the necessary interest and support from all sides that it deserves from an economic and medical perspective.

From the above medical report by internist Dr. F. Dammert shows that Natterer and Wagner must have managed to restart Hydropuryl® production by November 1941 at the latest, i.e. 1 year after the destruction. After 3/4 years of testing the neutral and acidic active water, Dammert reported that in all cases it was effective for bronchial asthma, chronic joint diseases, heart and vascular diseases, high blood pressure with atheromatosis, dystonia, states of fatigue and exhaustion, as well as external use An exceptionally favorable and rapid healing effect occurred in the case of injuries, cellular tissue inflammation and burns of the 1st and 2nd degrees. At the same time he speaks of the first plant biology experiments of that time.

WR Schürmeister, assistant doctor, Bogenhausen Auxiliary Hospital, Munich, Mühlbauerstrasse 15. July 28.7.1943, XNUMX

Natterer Schürmeister1943

After years, I am again giving you a short report on my experiences in therapeutic experiments with your electrolytically treated water. My statements last year that when using this water there are primarily parasympathicotropic or mimetic effects Lowering blood pressure, slowing the pulse, stimulating peristalsis, toning the uterus etc. showed, I can confirm again.
I had the opportunity to use the water with some good and some very good success for the following illnesses:
In essential and renal hypertension (in all cases the systolic pressure was reduced by an average of 20-26 percent!) Migraine, at chron. polyarthritis, rheumatica, near Arthrosis deformasWherein chron. constipationWherein Gastritis and mild ulcer diathesis, as well as mild hyperthyroidism eczema, pruritus and FurunculosisWherein Dysmenorrhea.
In one case of paroxysmal tachycardia and in one case of atonia post partum.
I carried out blood tests on a large number of patients before and after using water. The striking result was often an increase in lymphocytes. In 17 cases out of 27, I could even see an increase in lymphocytes by an average of 61,91 percent compared to the lymphocyte count before using the water.
A Improvement in general well-being, an improvement of the appetite and of sleep, an increase in vitality was observed in most cases and was appreciated by the patients.

Despite the war years, Natterer convinced some doctors to use electrolyte water. WR Schürmeister, assistant doctor at the Munich Bogenhausen auxiliary hospital, apparently worked on this from 1942 onwards. In a report dated July 27, 1943 - on that day 34.000 people died in a bomb attack in Hamburg - he even gave precise figures (20-26% reduction in blood pressure in the case of hypertension) and spoke of good to very good success.

He names migraine, chronic polyarthritis, arthritis rheumatica, arthrosis deformans, chronic constipation, gastritis, ulcer diathesis, hyperthyroidism, eczema, itching, furunculosis and menstrual disorders as therapeutic areas. Unfortunately, his report does not specify which of the three types of water and in what dosage they were used.

In mid-1942, Dr. med. BC Steel was mined in Endorf in Upper Bavaria. The country doctor treated stubborn furunculosis and stomach ulcers with drinking cures. He successfully treated lower leg ulcers and severe wounds with compresses and baths. Unfortunately, the details of the treatments are also missing here.

Dr. med. Chr. Steel, Endorf/Obb. August 25, 8

NattererStahl 1943

For about a year now, I have been using the water you produced using a special electrical process on a trial basis with some of my patients for extensive and extensive use more stubborn Furunculosis just like purulent wounds, At Lower leg and stomach ulcers. These experiments mostly involve cases that do not show satisfactory improvement after standard conventional medical treatment.
If furunculosis of the skin has lasted for months, just an eight to ten day drinking course shows a very clear, almost complete cessation of the formation of furuncles and abscesses. However, it is necessary to continue the drinking regimen for a longer period of time, otherwise a relapse cannot be ruled out.
With the strong malodorous and sore lower leg ulcers, as they are often found among old people and especially among the farming population, external treatment with this water in the form of moist compresses and baths brings about a remarkably rapid deodorization and extensive relief of the often very great pain.

The ulcer base, which is usually covered with flabby, greasy and smelly granulations, cleans itself very quickly, creating the basic conditions for fresh, healthy granulation and epithelialization, as is often observed. If the wet treatment is stopped prematurely, the smelly ulceration of the ulcers will quickly occur again.
In the case of a deep circular saw injury to the index finger with a severing of the bone, no suppuration occurred despite the severe tearing and contamination of the soft tissues when treated with moisture and immobilized. The bones and fingers were healed after four weeks. Similarly, and without festering, I was left with only moderate inflammation in a case treated in the same way, where a farmer, while handling the threshing machine, sustained severe lacerations and bruises on two fingers that reached down to the bone, and because of the heavy contamination, severe inflammation and suppuration are inevitable let.
Because of the versatile, successful and convincing use of water for internal and surgical diseases, it is understandable that there is a great demand, especially as the application is constantly expanding.

From 1943 to 1948 Natterer, who was already 52 years old at the end of the war, probably concentrated primarily on the formulation of his patents.
In connection with the patent documentation are probably the preserved water analyzes from the Institute for Applied Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, which were carried out in 1948 by government chemistry officer Dr. Müller and Dr. Leuser were carried out.

At this point in time, Natterer had both the courage and the means to contact the highest-ranking scientific institutes.
First, the analysis from March 18, 1948, in which the activated water samples were tested under the working names Sanquisan 503 (acidic), Sanquisan 507 (neutral) and Sanquisan 503 (alkaline=basic), gave the following result:

Natterer Institute results 1

Natterer Institute results 2

Natterer Institute results 3

The report was signed
IA Dr. Leuser

From 1949 onwards there was a large number of new research activities after the copyright claims were filed.

4 years later, all three types of water and certain backmixes of them had been extensively tested. Natterer's company was rebuilt first in Berchtesgaden, then in Upper Palatinate, and research was even intensified. The Federal Health Office has now registered 3 of its waters as medicinal products, and in the 3s certain parts of the production method were patented in Germany.
One of Natterer's most important partners was the then world-famous medical jack-of-all-trades, originally one of the most famous sailors of all time (including the inventor of the “curry clamp”), figure skater, doctor and climate researcher Dr. Manfred Curry, a wealthy American citizen who lived in Bavaria throughout his life. His extensive works with revolutionary ideas on medical bioclimatology have only been studied by some researchers since the 80s. In my eyes, Dr. Curry was a brilliant visionary and worked on Hydropuryl water until his early death in 1953.

Natterer went in and out of the Curry Clinic and the research institute in Riederau am Ammersee.
At the beginning of the 60s, Alfons Natterer himself spent six months doing research at the Curry Clinic on Ammersee with Curry's successor, Dr. Hänsche worked and the Curry Institute was probably the only scientific institution that was able to produce hydropuryl water itself thanks to its own electrolysis system. Extensive experiments on plant growth were also carried out here, as we later know from Japanese, Russian and Korean research.

However, there were differences of opinion between Dr. Hänsche and Natterer about the durability of the different hydropuryl waters. Hydropuryl S, the acidic active water, is what Dr. Hänsche has a very long shelf life. However, he considered the neutral Hydropuryl N and especially the basic Hydropuryl A to be unstable. In a report, Dr. Hänsche that the state bacteriological research institute had also come to the same (from today's perspective, correct) opinion.

Natterer bacteriological examination

Photo information The State Bacteriological Research Institute Munich, Lazarettstr. 10 (Dir.Dr.Freytag) examined the water and found, just like us, that the durability of acidic water has not changed after five years, while neutral and alkaline water are not durable.
The conditions that must be met to maintain water is a hydrogen ion concentration (pH value) below 3,0. The water can be drunk without harm. It increases stomach acid and has a bactericidal character. The institute has acidic water with PH values ​​of 2,8, 2,5 and 1,6. The latter water is already so acidic that it can no longer be used as drinking water.

Natterer 20 liter Hydropuryl bottles

In contrast, Natterer and Wagner, in an indignant response, insisted on the incorrect view that all three types of water could last for months and years.

The truth would have damaged his entire business concept, which was based on large quantities and long storage of all three types of water. The picture shows one of the NAWA bottle warehouses. The bottles held up to 20 liters of Hydropuryl.

What Natterer didn't see was that the greater the distance to the end user, as was the case in the Upper Palatinate, the successes in using the alkaline and neutral hydropuryl water could no longer be documented. Both the Curry Clinic statements and most of the scientifically serious later medical reports from the estate mainly point to success with the long-lasting acidic Hydropuryl Water S.

We now know: In fact, neither the neutral nor the alkaline Hydropuryl® is durable for a long time. This insight probably also ultimately prevailed with Natterer and Wagner.

In one of the last brochures I have from the estate, at least the neutral Hydropuryl is no longer mentioned. There is only gold (slightly acidic) and silver (slightly basic).

Electrolyte water?

Electrolyte water

Photo information

Who among us 20th century people can claim that they feel lively and healthy day after day? There are only a few left.
The majority are sick, rushed, tormented here and there by over-stressed nerves.
That's why each of us needs a timely remedy that refreshes us, calms our nerves, ensures balanced sleep, regulates bowel movements and cleanses and strengthens the body.
One such agent is that obtained by electrolytic means, or more correctly: by electrolytic means separate ones Water HYDROPURYL.
This separation creates two fundamentally different – ​​germ-free – waters:

Electrolyte water HYDROPURYL Gold – slightly acidic, with positive ions,
Electrolyte water HYDROPURYL silver – slightly alkaline, with negative ions.

HYDROPURYL – GOLD has an anti-inflammatory effect and is therefore bactericidal.

HYDROPURYL – GOLD can be used unmixed for all inflammatory diseases, internally and externally. Also for throat and gum inflammation. Because of the slight acidity, it also has a very refreshing effect. Athletes and drivers like to take it before and after great exertion.

Electrolyte water

Photo informationThe HYDROPURYL treatment is recommended for the following complaints:

Stomach and intestinal disorders
Stomach and duodenal ulcers
Liver and biliary tract diseases
Kidney disease
Chronic headaches and migraines,
Which are based on metabolic problems
Signs of aging
Menopausal symptoms
Disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

The indications listed in the brochure in the 70s largely correspond to what Russian and Japanese researchers recommended at the time. Perhaps with the exception of the loss of appetite, which some overweight people today would rather wish for than think of as an illness.

Perhaps the joy of increasing appetite through alkaline electrolyte water was due to the chicken breeders and gardeners, who were a clientele for Natterer's water that should not be underestimated.

Hydropuryl silver

Photo informationIf you are a flower lover or a chicken breeder, then try out HYDROPURYL – SILVER on your favorites. Water healthy and sick flowers from time to time; You will notice unusual growth.

HYDROPURYL – SILVER makes chicks eager to eat, so they grow faster and lay the most beautiful eggs after just four and a half to five months. Just a few liters of HYDROPURYL – SILVER for around 12-15 chicks are enough to convince yourself of the effectiveness of the electrolyte water and to enjoy its success.

There are clinical and medical reports on the therapeutic use of electrolyte water for acute and chronic illnesses. These will be sent free of charge to interested parties upon request.

NAWA ointment cream

Photo informationIn addition to the water, the company NAWA - Natterer KG also produces electrolyte ointment and electro creams. Like all ointments, the electrolyte ointment is available from a pharmacy and must be prescribed by the doctor if the patient requests it. The ointments and creams consist only of electrolyte - water and Eucerinum (ointment base).

Perhaps the joy of increasing appetite through alkaline electrolyte water was due to the chicken breeders and gardeners, who were a clientele for Natterer's water that should not be underestimated.

The acidic electrolyte water, with a pH value well below pH 3, was also developed by Natterer for an electrolyte ointment S, which is still successful today. It has the simplest recipe, as the newspaper “Der Neue Tag” reports.
These electrolytically obtained ointments, emulsions and sprays are highly regarded, especially in elite sports, and since the 1988 Olympics in Seoul there have been sensational success reports about treatment with the acid water-based electrolyte ointment.
The well-known German sports doctor and anti-doping expert Dr. Helmut Pope clearly confirmed to me: he always has a box of electrolyte ointment S (NAWA) in the trunk. By the way, I use this ointment myself with amazing success for the joint and tendonitis in the joints of my fingers, hands and elbows that have been tormenting me for decades. It also works with baths in acidic active water, but you can't always carry a corresponding bathtub with you.

In Natterer's estate I was only able to find one typewritten document that presents Hydropuryl therapy in a systematic form. It was no longer possible to determine whether it came from Natterer, Wagner or a third party. The title is: “Electrolyte water therapy “Hydropuryl” – Its use for healing and preventing diseases”
I reproduce the text of the 10-page treatise, which dates from around 1966 based on the last source cited, here with spelling corrected:

“The building blocks of all life are electrically charged particles, electrons and ions. That is why all phenomena of life, such as metabolism, inflammation and its healing, and even every cell structure and breakdown are determined and accompanied by electrical processes.

As a result of an inner law of life, electricity works in the fine structure of cells and tissue. That's why the one with the water in the. Electricity absorbed by the body influences biological processes in the cell groups.

Chemical drugs have to be converted and broken down in the body in order to be effective. They are subject to a variety of transport problems in the tissue of cells and connective tissue before the active ingredients can reach the core of their innermost effect.

They are often faced with insurmountable barriers such as cell membranes, calcification and hardening. Only bio-electricity does not have obstacles of this kind. This penetrates through all inhibiting walls in the living.

What's more, it is usually concentrated in the places where it is most needed as a remedy. Modern science is just beginning to understand why natural mineral and medicinal waters have such an invigorating, strengthening and healing effect on the human body. The doctors of antiquity were already aware of these effects.

This is proven by the surviving writings of the doctor Hippocrates, who lived 400 years before our era. With the exception of individual interruptions, the use of these medicinal waters has been preserved to this day.
Electrolytes are all substances that, when dissolved in water, break down into two electrically oppositely charged particles. This means that when these electrolytes dissolve, they are split into an electrically positively charged cation and an electrically negatively charged anion. Cations contained in water make it acidic, while anions contained in water make it alkaline. If the content of cations and anions is equal, then it is called neutrally reacting water. The respective ratio of the acidic and alkaline components contained in water determines its so-called pH value. This is expressed by the numbers from 0 to 14, where pH 7,0 corresponds to neutral water. From pH 7,0 to pH 0,0 the water becomes increasingly acidic; from pH 7,0 to pH 14,0 it becomes increasingly alkaline.
The pH value in human blood fluctuates between pH 6,8 and pH7,6 and is always slightly acidic or alkaline depending on age. However, the tendency of the pH value in the blood to be acidic or alkaline is also determined by a number of other circumstances and influences, but above all by the respective type of person; that is, whether the person is a so-called W or plus type, a so-called K or minus type, or a G or mixed type..."

The following is an illustration based on the 1946 by Dr. Manfred Curry published “bioclimatic type theory”.

Manfred Curry Bioclimatic Type Theory 1

Manfred Curry Bioclimatic Type Theory 2

Bioclimatic type theory 2

Now further in the text of the document:


“To maintain physical health and also mental balance, a precisely balanced ratio of the acidic and alkaline components contained in the entire organism and the electrolyte balance is absolutely necessary. Even very small deviations in this relationship can lead to tendencies and susceptibility to certain diseases. Larger deviations increase the susceptibility to the extreme. Conversely, these diseases and the tendencies towards them can be cured by improving the balance in the electrolyte balance. The cations or anions necessary to harmonize the electrolyte balance are present in the natural mineral and medicinal waters, but are contained in high-energy form in the electrolyte water. They are supplied to the body through the drinking treatment.

Natural mineral and medicinal waters

The natural mineral and medicinal waters commercially offered under a variety of source names or other brand names consist of water that contains both acidic and alkaline components. From the point of view of the electrolyte balance, the acidic and alkaline components cancel each other out in their effects. Only the majority of acidic or alkaline components give the water its acidic or alkaline character.


Electrolyte water “HYDROPURYL”

This is a therapeutic agent, i.e. a remedy, registered with the Federal Health Office as a drug specialty. It is produced by electrolytic division of high-quality, pure Upper Palatinate spring water. In contrast to natural mineral and medicinal waters, electrolyte water S contains only acidic components, electrolyte water A only contains alkaline components and electrolyte water N contains almost no mineral components. Because electrolyte water S and electrolyte water A contain almost no ions of the opposite electrical charge, they can have a much more intensive effect and can also be used more specifically than natural mineral and medicinal waters. Electrolyte water-N is almost free of ions.

It is therefore extremely suitable for dissolving degradation products, slags, poisons, etc. in the organism and removing them from the body via the kidneys and urine. All previous observations by German doctors have shown that patients treated with electrolyte water “HYDROPURYL” no longer have any stones and toxins in their bodies after 10 weeks at the latest.

This crystallization is the result of the electrolytic effect of the electrolyte water. All three types of electrolyte water “HYDROPURYL” do not contain any added chemical substances. They are as refreshing as high-quality natural spring water.

Electrolyte ointments and NAWALYT creams

To cure “external diseases” and for use on the skin, the electrolyte waters are also available in the form of ointments and creams. According to the law, electrolyte ointments are available in pharmacies and must be prescribed by a doctor upon request by the patient. The NAWALYT creams, on the other hand, are available for sale over the counter.

These ointments and creams consist of 75% electrolyte water S, N or A and 25% Eucerin anhydr., a neutral and non-greasy or lubricating ointment base. They work similarly to electrolyte water packs or compresses.
The electrolyte water contained in it is released more slowly into the skin and therefore penetrates deeper into the skin more slowly.

The electrolyte ointments and NAWALYT creams are just as free of side effects as the corresponding electrolyte water “HYDROPURYL”.

Which diseases can electrolyte water have a healing effect on?

The preventive and healing effect of electrolyte water basically extends to all diseases that are promoted or caused by a disharmony in the electrolyte balance and therefore covers most of the known ailments.

Electrolyte water drinking regimens are indicated in case of:-
Biliary tract diseases and inflammations, gallstones, catarrhal jaundice, acute and chronic kidney inflammations, kidney stones and grit, uremia, true arteriosclerosis, true essential hypertrophy, rheumatic diseases, asthma, diabetes, affections of the tongue, Menier's disease, neuritis and weakness, sleep disorders, Symptoms of fatigue, loss of natural sexual power, digestive problems, nervous breathing problems, weather-related problems, chronic illnesses, age-related problems, all diseases and complaints promoted or caused by acidosis (hyperacidity) or alkalosis (underacidity) and so on.
In principle, electrolyte water can be drunk for all abnormal changes in metabolism, such as heart and circulatory problems, intestinal and stomach problems, gout and sciatica, liver and gallbladder problems. Drinking cures are also indicated for all external illnesses that are caused by internal discrepancies such as impure blood. which can also be treated by using electrolyte ointment or NAWALYT cream.
Even if there are no external signs of illness, electrolyte water drinking cures are recommended to all those who, for work or other reasons, have little physical activity, eat an unbalanced diet, suffer from constant digestive problems or constipated stools, etc
Electrolyte Water S is a natural agent for inhibiting and eliminating inflammation. If you have a runny nose or cold as well as genital problems (balanitis), rinsing or gargling with it is indicated.

External applications using electrolyte ointments or NAWALYT creams.
Electrolyte Ointment-S or NAWALYT Cream-W are generally indicated for all inflammatory diseases; that means at:-

  1. Diseases of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue as well as the mucous membranes (especially in the genital area), purulent skin rashes, frostbite, first and second degree burns, abrasions, mucosal ulcers, conjunctivitis, bedsores or pressure burns, sunburn (preventative and acute), all inflammatory types of Acne.
  2. Phlebitis ~ Varicose veins and varicose ulcers, hemorrhoids, body aches (gout, arthrosis deformans), muscle strains, bruises, bruises, sprains, hematomas, rheumatism (acute attacks), shingles and ringworm, bruises, inflammation of the mammary glands and warts, boils, insect bites, Tendonitis, thrombosis and embolism.
  3. Complaints of a cosmetic nature (as a day and night cream), pimples and skin blemishes on the face. cracked and red skin on the hands, elbows, etc., rough hands caused by exposure to alkalis (harsh soaps, etc.) (masonry hands) and more.

Electrolyte Ointment-A or NAWALYT-Cream-K is used for fungal diseases of the feet, the crook of the thigh and the armpits as well as acid wounds caused by acid exposure, as well as for brittle toenails and fingernails.

The electrolyte water “HYDRPURYL” drinking treatment

In general, a drinking regimen includes 24 bottles of one liter each. Electrolyte Water N is used in every drinking treatment.

The drinking test decides in each individual case whether the patient needs to drink additional electrolyte water S or electrolyte water A, or both. All electrolyte water should be at room temperature when drinking. If necessary, you can warm them up in the original bottle or in a suitable glass container in a water bath. They must not come into contact with metal. When warmed up, they must not reach 40 0 ​​Celsius.

The easiest way is to store the bottles at room temperature for a day before and during use. The electrolyte waters should be drunk 10 to 30 minutes before meals. They should be drunk in small sips and swallowed immediately.

All degradation products, slags, poisons, etc. can only be removed from the body in water-soluble form via urine. To make this possible, the body must be supplied with at least 4% of its weight in fluids every day. – (Alcoholic drinks, but especially beer, are foods) – This minimum amount of liquid contains the water found in normal food. However, most of the food consists of water.

Therefore, the weight of the food consumed daily can be deducted from the calculated minimum amount of fluids to calculate the approximate amount of water that needs to be consumed at least daily in the form of drinking water, coffee, tea, diluted fruit juice, etc. If good drinking water is not available, what is missing should be replaced with good neutral mineral water.

During the electrolyte water drinking cure, this minimum amount of fluid that is supplied to the body every day is particularly important in order to ensure the greatest possible effect of the entire drinking cure. On average, at least 2 liters should be drunk daily.

The electrolyte water drinking test

The experience gained over more than 30 years regarding electrolyte water therapy clearly shows that in individual cases the questions regarding the composition of the electrolyte water treatment are best and most easily answered by the patient's personal taste. In a wonderful way, the body demands exactly what it lacks in terms of electrolytes, anions and cations, salts or trace elements through taste. The right thing to do is to drink what is most similar to well water, i.e. what the patient likes best. To determine this, the patient drinks all three types of electrolyte water, i.e. “S”, “N” and “A”. All attention should be focused on the taste sensation of the type of electrolyte water in question. This means that the assessment should not be influenced by others. The same water can taste very different to different people. When assessing taste, any personal over- or under-acidity plays a crucial role. Take a good sip of each type of electrolyte water in your mouth and swallow it immediately. If the electrolyte water is kept in the mouth or swished around for a while, it mixes with the saliva. This distorts the taste impression. If you cannot clearly determine your personal taste of the electrolyte water in question, you can take several sips in the same way. The easiest way is to proceed in the following order:
The one with the 3 sample bottles, electrolyte water -S. -N and -A, the 3 cups supplied are placed next to each other in a row in front of the patient. Each of these cups contains 1/8 liter when filled to the top of the ring-shaped grooves. As seen from the patient, one of the 3 sample bottles is placed behind each of the 3 beakers. The bottle with electrolyte water N, which has a yellow printed sticker and a cap of the same color, is placed in the middle. Then each of the three cups is filled from the bottle behind it. Each of the bottles is placed back behind the corresponding cup after it has been filled; to avoid possible mix-ups.
With regard to the taste impression of the 3 electrolyte waters on patients, there are generally 6 different combination options.
Each of these options corresponds to a special combination of electrolyte water to be drunk during the treatment. The patient's personal hypoacidity or hyperacidity determines which of the 6 electrolyte-water combinations is most suitable for him.

To determine this, the patient tries:

  1. the acidic, i.e. electrolyte-water-S according to the instructions above. – Does it taste like pure lemon or rhubarb juice, does it taste like lemon water, does it taste like light lemon water, or does it taste like pure well or good tap water, ie without any taste; Does it taste pleasant or unpleasant? – Then the patient tries:
  2. a good sip of neutral, i.e. electrolyte water, from the middle cup to neutralize the taste of the acidic electrolyte water. – How does the neutral electrolyte water taste? – The patient then tries:
  3. the alkaline, i.e. electrolyte-water-A (take a good sip and swallow it immediately). Does it taste like well water, does it taste slightly sweet, does it taste bittersweet or does it taste putrid, sulphurous, like a rotten egg; Does it taste pleasant or unpleasant?
    With the results of the drinking test, the patient can now decide which of the following 6 cases applies to him.

With the results of the drinking test, the patient can now decide which of the following 6 cases applies to him.

  1. Fall
    Electrolyte Water S tastes like well water or very slightly sour;
    Electrolyte water A tastes like rotten eggs, sulfur or bitter, just disgusting.
    This proves that the patient is hypoacidic. He needs electrolyte water S and N.
    Drinking treatment indicated: 12 bottles of electrolyte water S, 12 bottles of electrolyte water N
    Morning and midday: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water S each
    In the evening and before going to sleep: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water N
  2. Fall
    Electrolyte Water S tastes like raw rhubarb juice, like pure lemon juice;
    Electrolyte Water A tastes like well water or just slightly sweet.
    This proves that the patient is hyperacidic. He needs Elektrolt-Water-A and -N.
    Drinking treatment indicated: 12 bottles of electrolyte water A 12 bottles of electrolyte water N
    Morning and midday: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water A each
    In the evening and before going to sleep: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water N each
  3. Fall
    Electrolyte Water S tastes like light lemon water, pleasant;
    Electrolyte Water-A tastes bittersweet.
    The patient is slightly hypoacidic.
    Drinking treatment indicated: 8 bottles of electrolyte water-S 16 bottles of electrolyte water-N
    In the morning: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water S each
    At lunchtime and evening: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water N each
  4. Fall
    Electrolyte Water S tastes like lemon juice;
    Electrolyte Water-A tastes sweet or somewhat metallic, but not unpleasant.
    The patient is somewhat acidic.
    Drinking treatment indicated: 8 bottles of electrolyte water A 16 bottles of electrolyte water N
    In the morning: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water A each
    At lunchtime and evening: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water N each
  5. case (rarely occurs)
    Electrolyte Water S tastes like lemon juice;
    Electrolyte Water A tastes like rotten eggs.
    The patient has too much of both.
    Drinking treatment indicated: 2 bottles of electrolyte water-S 2 bottles of electrolyte water-A 20 bottles of electrolyte water-N
    Monday to Saturday mornings. Midday and evening: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water N each
    Sunday. In the morning: pour 1/16 liter (1/2 cup) of electrolyte water S and A together and drink immediately.
  6. Fall
    Electrolyte Water S tastes like well water or just slightly sour;
    Electrolyte Water-A also tastes like well water or just slightly sweet.
    The patient's electrolyte balance is too low in ions. His cells lack charge and voltage.
    Indicated drinking regimen: 8 bottles of electrolyte water-S 8 bottles of electrolyte water-N 8 bottles of electrolyte water-A
    Alternating daily:
    Morning, lunch and evening: 1/8 liter of electrolyte water S, or 1/8 liter of electrolyte water-N, or 1/8 liter of electrolyte water-A.

During the drinking treatment, but especially at the beginning, the patient's urine may be very colored or smelly. However, this is only one sign of the effects of electrolyte water.
Electrolyte Water S has a naturally stimulating effect. However, this effect varies depending on the individual's electrolyte balance. Although it is completely safe to use, it should not be drunk in large quantities, especially in the evening.
If the electrolyte water “S” or “A” tastes unpleasant during the drinking treatment, it is advisable not to drink the electrolyte water in question for 2 to 3 days and then use it again in small quantities.

The use of electrolyte ointments and NAWALYT creams

Elektrolvt-Ointment-S and NAWALYT-Cream-W
In the event of inflammation and injuries in the outer tissue layers, the pH value in the affected tissue areas shifts towards the pathological, i.e. diseased, side. By using Elektrolyt-5albe-S or NAWALYT-Creme-W, which easily penetrate the skin, the physiological pH value can be restored in the affected skin layers. This means that these inflammations are reduced and eliminated surprisingly quickly. It is very important that this normalization of the pH value removes the breeding ground for the bacteria that have invaded the diseased tissue.
In the case of bruises, the normalization of the pH value has a liquefying effect on the blood stored in the cells.

Electrolyte Ointment-S or NAWALYT Cream-W

Apply to the affected skin or the area surrounding the wound several times a day or massage in gently.

A short, temporary burning sensation is not a sign of intolerance. It is caused by the repolarization effect. (E.Götze, textbook of pathologist physiology, 1964, page 772)
Electrolyte ointments “N” and “A” or NAwALYT creams “W” and “K2”
Apply to affected skin several times a day and massage in gently.

Electrolyte ointments and NAWALYT creams should also not come into contact with metal; They should be removed from the can with a wooden or plastic spatula.
Prof. Dr. med. Heinrich Hausser, The Melsunger med. Pharmaceutical communications from science and practice, No. 93, 1960.
Dr. med Hug, experimental studies on electro-osmotically separated water on animals and humans, Inaugural dissertation, Bayer, State Library: U 51/6933, UNI – Munich 1951
Dr. med. Nitschkoff and Dr. med. H. Leisenring, “Experiences with Hydropuryl” Med. Monthly Magazine, 7th year, issue 6/1953, pages 372 – 375

Prof. Fritz Zinnitz, On the pharmacology of highly deionized water, at the same time an article on the effects of trace elements, Medical Monthly Magazine, 9th year, issue 1/1955, pages 18 – 25
Prof. Zinnitz and Prof. Clara, On the biological effectiveness of the neutral component of electroosmotically separated water in human, animal and plant organisms, Switzerland. Med. Magazine, Basel, March 8 -[2, 10. 260, 1952
Dr. med. Sponge, The med. physical research community of the Unterlahnkreis.
Dr. med. Hänsche, Medical Practice, 1958 and 1963, 9. 2. No. XV/6, page 345
Dr. med. Biedermann and Dr. med. K. Rummler, Homotoxin Journal Issue 1 from February 1, 1965, pages 162-163

Specialist medical reports

  • Dr. med. F. Dammert
  • Dr. med. W. Glückmann
  • Dr. med. H. Gutschmidt
  • OMR Dr. Marx
  • Dr. med. K.Mayr
  • Dipl.lng. Willy Rieger
  • Dr. med. BC Steel
  • Dr. med. W. Gerloff
  • Dr. med. J. Golling
  • Dr. med. HA HänscheDr. med. Engelhardt
  • Dr. med. H. Würdinger
  • Dr. med. W. Schürmeister
  • Dr. med. N. Zett

Note: I was only able to verify the reports from Damert, Gutschmidt, Glückmann, Stahl, Gerloff, Hänsche Engelhart and Schürmeister in the estate documents left to me.

In the 60s there was also a J. Erich Moser in Stuttgart who sold Hydropuryl® as a special bottling under the name Galvalit® and cited medical reports from Gutschmidt and Glückmann for this.

Galvalite 1Photo informationMedical statements about the electrolytic drinking treatment Now as Galvalite known Dr. med. Hans Gutschmidt, doctor, former member of the Institute for Water, Soil and Air Hygiene Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Am Hegewinkel 60 October 19.10.1955, XNUMX

Actually, it was my patients who made me pay special attention to “Hydropuryl” electrolyte water and take it seriously. They reported amazing results after using this water as a treatment for a whole range of diseases, the improvement or even cure of which sometimes caused serious difficulties for the doctor. Some of them described the Hydropuryl water as a true elixir of life, which relieved them of the complaints they had often endured for years and gave them new courage to face life. Many of my patients were older, thoughtful and therefore serious people who were tormented by the weaknesses and signs of wear and tear that physiologically become noticeable with increasing age and who threatened to fall into a state of hopelessness after unsuccessful use of one or the other remedy recommended to them. A systematic review of the claimed successes after drinking Hydropuryl water on a rich patient population, which I have access to from general practice, allows us to separate the apparent from the actual successes and to limit the indications for the use of this water to a reasonable and, in my opinion, scientific way to an acceptable level.

Even with a critical assessment of the cases, there remained a sufficiently large group of patients in whom success was unmistakable after more or less long use of Hydropuryl water. The group of pronounced “hits” includes, first of all, those with metabolic disorders who suffer from a functional disorder or just a functional weakness of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas or intestines. It goes without saying that these patients should adhere to the traditional rules of a sensible diet. However, according to my observations, the regular use of Hydropuryl water has proven to be such an essential supporting factor that it should not be dispensed with. Needless to say, the presence of a serious, irreparable illness (e.g. cancer) must be ruled out through a careful medical examination. A second group susceptible to the Hydropuryl treatment is the elderly, whose life curve normally has a slowly downward trend, but in today's world, after everything we have been through, often shows a catastrophic decline. The symptoms most commonly observed in this group are cardiac and circulatory disorders, chronic, usually very painful joint changes and mood changes that lead to depression or sometimes just resignation. In these cases, Hydropuryl water - in addition to the medication prescribed by a doctor - is a “life-awakening device” that keeps the patient symptom-free and life-affirming for years to come.

Please click image

Unfortunately, Gutschmidt's statements also contain no information as to which of the three varieties achieved the success.

Galvalite 2Photo informationDr. med. university Walter Glückmann, intern. Doctor, Adnet b. Hallein 7. 7.1950 Since August 1949 I have been working in my practice with water that has a certain hydrogen ion concentration. In my opinion, they bring about a fundamental transformation of the disturbed metabolism in the human organism. So I treated diseases of the digestive tract, prescribing the appropriate water and diet. No other remedy was given for this. To date, I have been able to record numerous, resounding successes, of which I am only citing the typical cases here, which were also examined by specialist radiographers before and after the treatment. 32-year-old man, duodenal ulcer since 1942. Previously numerous injection treatments without success. After drinking her water for eight weeks, the ulcer healed smoothly. Mild residual gastritis, patient has no complaints. weight gain. Could be discharged as cured. 28-year-old man, chronic stomach ulcer. Were treated with medication without success. Drinking cure of seven weeks; Ulcer completely healed, no symptoms, discharged healthy. 28-year-old woman, duodenal ulcer the size of a bean. Never been treated before. A drinking course of eight weeks resulted in complete healing. 27-year-old woman, severe chronic gastritis. Drinking cure of six weeks. Discharged from treatment without any symptoms. 28-year-old man, chronic duodenal ulcer. After ten weeks of treatment with a drinking cure, I was completely cured and discharged without any symptoms. 41-year-old man, cicatricial, chronic duodenal ulcer, narrowing of the gastric outlet. According to the radiologist's findings, there are no prospects for conservative treatment. Surgery suggested. Four months of intensive drinking treatment results in a completely healed ulcer, good general health, weight gain and no pain at all. 40-year-old man, chronic duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis and hypersecretion for ten years. A three-month treatment with electrolyte water results in complete healing of the ulcer. A slight residual gastritis remains, occasionally slight stomach pain and hyperacidity occur, but these quickly disappear by taking electrolyte water. I have only cited severe and typical cases. I also treated over 20 cases of chronic gastritis, gastric hypersecretion and some chronic gallbladder infections with complete success. I also had the opportunity to heal chronic leg ulcers and severe burns surprisingly quickly and well by applying electrolyte water. Finally, I would like to say that my series of experiments will continue, as the area of ​​application of electrolytic water is far from exhausted. Dr. med. university Walter Glückmann October 1, 10.1950 As requested, I would be happy to share with you my experiences with your electrolytic water. Almost all of the healing successes I achieved were checked by specialists and X-rays, so that there is valid evidence to ensure the success of the treatment. My first, excellent healing successes were achieved almost exclusively in the treatment of stomach and intestinal ulcers (acute and chronic). The complete disappearance of ulcers, weight gain, control of appetite and bowel movements were the successes of the drinking cures. I have also had considerable success in the treatment of chronic biliary diseases of all kinds. The same applies to kidney diseases. In addition, I was able to notice reductions of up to 40 in cases of elevated blood pressure, even of an essential nature. I also used your electrolyte water externally and observed that poorly healing, festering wounds heal 30% faster through a combination of drinking treatment and external treatments using compresses. This type of treatment was accompanied by astonishing successes, particularly in the case of old lower leg ulcers that did not heal well. I myself am convinced that the treatment times for your electrolyte water are far from exhausted.

Please click image

Today one may smile at many points in Natterer's drinking cures, for example about Dr. Manfred Curry's theory of types or about the “subjective diagnosis” that lies in the drinking test described therein. This could easily be dismissed as suggestive pharmaceutical marketing.

After all, Natterer, who was born in Allgäu, was a clever seller of his goods and really didn't sell his water cheaply. Converted to today's purchasing power, one of the drinking cures shown with 24 liter bottles of electrolyte water cost around €125 for a single person! Such a drinking cure was designed for 64 days. If, as I think it makes sense today, you want to drink electro-activated water every day in alkaline mode given the much greater risk of hyperacidity compared to the 60s - you would already be over €700 with the Hydropuryl® A Natterers. For a two-person household at €2 and if you want to supply a large family, after just one year it is well above the purchase price of today's most expensive and technically superior water ionizer.

Natterer cleverly sold its water ionizers to only a few customers. Apart from the Curry Clinic, I could only identify a single customer to whom he sold a device: the Hamburg alternative practitioner Edith Krebs, who was celebrated in two full-page articles from the 70s in the BILD newspaper. In the issue of May 14, 1977, the Hamburger BILD reported in the full-page article “Healed with a few glasses of water” that it gave 3 bottles of the water to patients for 23,25 DM. The lady, who is now well into her 80s, is still active and assured me in 2012 that she still thinks Natterer's drinking test is an ingenious diagnostic method. She had one of his devices in use, but it no longer worked. She didn't want to sell it to me.

When I explained to her that there were newer and better devices available these days, her patient phone rang. It really wasn't easy to get a telephone appointment with this still popular alternative practitioner...

After all, this example shows that there is a continuous tradition of using electro-activated water in Germany to this day.
Please take the application instructions from the historical documents for what they are: historical. This applies to both the water and the ointments and creams. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations...or ask your doctor or pharmacist. For example, the electrolyte ointment S from NAWA® Heile GmbH that is available today - and which goes back to Alfons Natterer - is of course no longer identical to the product invented by Alfons Natterer and also has a new pharmaceutical approval number (PZN: 00815191).

However, I can still recommend them to you from my own experience, as well as the similar products from the Elyth® brand, and assure you that I am in no way in contact with these companies or have received any benefits in any way for this recommendation.
Natterer realized that acidic electrolyte water in particular could be used effectively for skin problems as early as 1949, according to an experience report by the Munich dermatologist Dr. med. habil. Willy Koch from March 18.3.49, XNUMX shows. The university lecturer wrote:

“I used Sonquisan 503 (acid electrolyte) externally to treat weeping dermatoses. Weeping intertriginous eczema dries up under Sanquisan compresses over the course of 2 days (…). One of the triggers is probably the acidic component of the solution, which in the case of inflammatory dermatoses restores the normal pH value of the skin, which is around 5,3, by neutralizing the pathological alkaline shift and thereby prevents incipient or existing infections, especially mycoses. takes the breeding ground.
Sanquisan 503 has proven to be ideal for all mucous membrane infections of the mouth. Stomatids disappear within 503 hours when brushed with 24. (…)
An attack of malaria was stopped with 503,5 cc intramuscularly. The fever dropped from 40,5o to 36,8o within half an hour. Since then, the patient has remained relapse-free for approximately 14 days.
The treatment of furunculosis is amazing with intraglutal injections of 2 cc 503 at 2-day intervals and surpasses previous vaccine and sulfonamide therapy.
In summary, in Sanquisan we have a therapeutic agent that can already be said to be part of our therapeutic armamentarium.”

As far as Doz. Dr. Koch in 1949.

Dr. Gerloff from the mental hospital at the University of Munich wrote a report on the same day that reported surprising healing success with the acidic and neutral electrolyte water for upper lip boils, infected abrasions and cold sores.
Natterer's methods also found some followers in veterinary medicine early on. Dr. med. vet. In 1949, Ev Szekely, a practical veterinarian from Prien/Chiemsee, treated poorly healing wounds in horses, sheep, cows, cows and dogs using compresses that were occasionally dipped in the acidic or neutral electrolyte water, without any failure.
Internally, he gave his animal patients the same water to drink and treated them successfully

  • Gastroenteritis in dogs
  • Diarrhea in a cow.
  • Coli infections in a chicken flock

The Bavarian State Institute for Moor Management also reported in 1949 on the internal use of the neutral (hydrogen-rich) Sanquisan 507 electrolyte water. Director Bader wrote on June 22, 6:

<div class="col-md-6"] “Of the chicken population at the Haspelhof moor farm, which was reduced to 15 by the white dysentery, 12 chickens received Sanquisan as prescribed. 3 chickens remain untreated. All animals previously had a sickly appearance, pale combs and little appetite.
Just 2 days after the first treatment, the 12 chickens that received Sanquiaan showed fresh red combs, a lively appearance and improved appetite. They gave the impression of completely healthy animals.
After about 8 days, egg laying activity also increased. One of the 3 untreated chickens died on June 10.6.1949, XNUMX. The administration of Sanquisan to the sick chickens produced an extremely surprising and truly complete success.”

Also in 1949, the veterinarian Dr. Hoffmann from Traunstein told the veterinary department of the government of Upper Bavaria how udder damage in cows with foot-and-mouth disease could be reduced within 1 hours by bathing the teats in neutral electrolyte water for just 24 minute each, while an animal that had not been treated for control remained sick stayed. Dr. Hoffmann had also previously reported successes with foot and mouth disease in his work as government veterinary councilor for the Schrobenhausen district.

By the way, Alfons Natterer also has contacts with the head of Paracelsus Laboratories in the USA, Dr. Albert R. Riedel, who has visited him frequently since the 50s and wrote a major English article about Natterer's “Electrolytic Water Therapy” in 1980. Dr. Riedel is considered the greatest alchemist of the 20th century in the spagyric scene under his pseudonym Frater Albertus. This is not necessarily a ticket to the world of conventional medicine.

Apparently Natterer didn't really warm to him either, because he complained a lot about the American imitators. Nevertheless, his title, which is available here in German from an unknown source from the estate, is the only surviving document from an external perspective that attempted a somewhat systematic presentation of hydropuryl therapy during Natterer's lifetime and puts the Bavarian inventor in the light he earns with his life's work.

It is unknown whether Natterer was informed about water research in Japan and the Soviet Union. Since the latter was hardly known in the West for linguistic reasons and because of the Cold War, this can almost be ruled out, especially since his heirs don't know anything about it either.

Conversely, due to the great publicity in Germany and the international reputation of Dr. Manfred Curry, the official publications of the health department and, above all, Natterer's patent specification, it can be assumed that his methods and research could at least be known, even though the sources outside Germany on electrolytically obtained water before Natterer's death in 1981 can be classified as extremely poor.

I could only find a single source about Japanese research into electrolyte water, which places the beginning of the development there around 1931. This is exactly the time when Karl Kaisser's 3-chamber electrolysis cell was internationally patented. The source of information about this early period in Japan is the Japanese interest group “Association of alkaline Ionized Water Apparatus”.

She names medical device researcher Machisue Suwa as someone who is said to have first thought about the connection between water and electricity at this time. However, the reflection demonstrably only led to a concrete result in Japan 21 years later, in 1952, significantly later than Natterer, but around the same time as his German technical patent proceedings.

Alfons Natterer died on May 5, 1981. In the approximately 50 years in which he worked with electro-activated water, he brought all forms, including those that were mixed back, to therapeutic use. Its indication spectrum corresponds almost completely to what was confirmed by later research in the Soviet Union, Japan and Korea.

Natterer was an inventor, pragmatist and visionary who only had a vague idea of ​​what actually happened after the electrolysis of water. He shares the fate of Johann-Wilhelm Ritter, who was the first scientist to investigate water electrolysis in 1800 and essentially constructed the very first water ionizer with a diaphragmless 3-chamber cell without fully understanding the processes. This took around 200 years.

Ritter's apparatus

This brings me back to your question as to why 3-chamber systems - whether with or without a diaphragm - are inferior to today's 2-chamber systems. Here you can see Ritter's classic experiment, in which I colored the area of ​​the acidic active water red, that of the basic purple and that of the neutral green.

This is also a diaphragmless 3-chamber water ionizer. I recreated his experiment and measured the changes in pH and redox potential using today's measuring instruments.

Below you can see the initial water values ​​before electrolysis with pH 7,72 and ORP + 274 mV (CSE). On the right, the pH has fallen to 7,42 in the left, oxygen-filled glass and in the hydrogen-filled right glass, the pH has increased to 8,4.

Initial water values

The redox potential drops to -316 mV (CSE) not only in the basic but also in the pH-neutral intermediate water.
This intermediate water corresponds to Natterer's neutral electrolyte water. Neither Ritter nor Natterer were able to register this process due to a lack of measuring technology. But it explains the effectiveness of the neutral Hydropuryl®.
We now know that the apparently abnormally low redox potential is caused by dissolved hydrogen. As a result, it drops to up to (-) 800 mV (CSE). Since only approx. 1,5 mg/liter of hydrogen is soluble in pressure-normal water, it strives in all directions out of the water in which the most excess of it is present. In the case of this experiment, this is the right glass with the alkaline activated water. it is supersaturated with dissolved hydrogen because a pressure bubble containing hydrogen gas has formed above it.
The hydrogen fills the neutral water between the glasses and the redox potential in this example drops to an unusual (-) 316 mV, which would otherwise only be expected with highly basic active water.

Natterer and his contemporaries only recorded the shift in pH and the migration of anions and cations between the chambers. The strong change in the redox potential and thus the hydrogen content in neutral water was still unknown.
Therefore, the effect of the neutral “Hydropuryl” was based only on experience. Today we can explain them. Today, Hydropuryl® N would most likely be described as catholyte neutral, since catholyte always stands for water with a low redox potential. So if you don't want to drink alkaline water at all, but still want to do something good for yourself, simply mix it with an acidic fruit juice until it becomes neutral. Or even with a little acidic activated water... The hydrogen is retained, at least in the short term.
By back-mixing and possible electrolytic post-treatment of the two types of active water, you can “design” almost any water properties. So we no longer need the 3-chamber cells. And for what Botho von Schwerin, Jean Billiter, Karl Kaisser and Alfons Natterer wanted to achieve in their time obsessed with the idea of ​​purity, namely “pure water”, all we need today is water pressure and a reverse osmos system. Electroosmotic water deionization – which is where it all began – is a technology that has long been outdated.
I'm sorry the explanation was so long. It could have been explained to a specialist in 20 chemical reaction formulas. But maybe every layman understood it that way. And most chemists believe that they have more important things to do than deal with primitive water questions that they had already checked off in their undergraduate studies.
It's all because water seems so commonplace that its currently (17.9.2015/73/XNUMX) XNUMX known anomalies are shrugged off instead of being explained with a comprehensive theory.

Anomalies are another term for “miracles.” Some water specialists build chapels around it, others build complicated cathedrals. But since Lavoisier's groundbreaking experiment, everyone could know that water is just rusted hydrogen, a chemical intermediate that even "messes around" with itself in the still unexplained autoprotolysis because it doesn't seem satisfied with this half-rusted state and would like at least a fancy OH —Ion would like to have.
Just a little bit of infrared heat is enough to make water happier. Gerald Pollack's research into the structure of exclusion zones has opened up a new space for interpreting anomalies that promises us many more surprises in the coming years. Water and energy are not only connected in hydroelectric power plants...
Despite all knowledge: in the subconscious, most people still assume that water is a primal element, just as the earth is flat... Mineral water must remain "original" in order to be drinkable... how much thoughtlessness actually reveals itself in these dogmas cast into laws and regulations? Which regulations actually apply to alkaline activated water? Are they the same as those that apply to tap water, mineral water, medicinal water or table water? Why are healing claims about water that does not come from a natural source forbidden?
All of these “regulated” types of water are technically stabilized products that are protected from germ contamination using a variety of methods.
An innkeeper may offer his guests tap water, table water, mineral water, and even medicinal water. But if he offers boiled, distilled, melted water, electro-activated or reverse osmosis water, some regulatory authorities come up with the idea of ​​wanting to prohibit him because there is no regulation for this.

Who actually tells a healing water fountain company that it has to have its effectiveness checked for certain diseases in a drinks market 500 km away? The regular determination of constant mineral content and a medical balneological report are not carried out on the consumer. The dissolved gases, which can disappear so easily during filling and transport, usually play a crucial role in the healing effect.

It was apparently not difficult for Natterer to obtain drug approval for all types of his electrolyte water from the Federal Health Office, from which Dr. Albert Richard Riedel reported in an English language article in 1980.
“These waters are recognized as medical specialty by the German Board of Public Health and registered under number H 636, H 637, H 638”
(Source: Riedel, AR, Electrolytic-Water Therapy, in: Essentia, Journal of evolutionary thought in action, Volume 1, 1980.)
Dr. Riedel (left) had known Natterer since the 50s and promoted electrolyte water therapy in the USA.
Of course you run with a Dr. Riedel, who later called himself Frater Albertus and is celebrated in the spagyric scene as the “greatest alchemist of the 20th century,” did not open the door to very conservative American conventional medicine.

Photo informationMr. Alfons Natterer, the originator of NAWA Water by simple osmosis and Dr. Albert. R. Riedel of the Paracelsus Laboratories. Inc. in USA In one of their many friendly discussions about the improved method of separation at Mr Natterer's place in the upper Bavaria. Germany.

But already in 1990, the book “Reverse Aging” by the Korean Sang Whang was published in the USA, which opened the US market to the technology of home water ionizers that came from Japan.
Alfons Natterer found some convinced and convincing friends in the German medical profession and was successful with his electrolyte water for 50 years. But he probably didn't feel like a revolutionary. He was no Copernicus, Kepler or Galileo. He also didn't say to drink your electrolyte water daily. He wanted to sell it for far too much. As a medicine.
When Uzbek and Japanese researchers opened the door a little further, people tired of traditional medicine were quicker: They bought more and more water ionizers, which use water's natural ability to free itself from rust by absorbing energy as a benefit for themselves looking at life. One of the reasons for this may be that throughout the Asian world, prophylaxis plays a much larger role than medical treatment of illness.

Nobody there understands a German health insurance company that spends huge amounts of money on people who are actually terminally ill according to their own standards and uses all means to save money when it comes to preventing illness.
But it's not just the fear of impending illness that is a strong motive for drinking alkaline active water with a particularly high amount of OH ions and hydrogen. Our sense of taste doesn't deceive us: it simply tastes better than normal water. Some people don't even notice this at first because they're not used to drinking water at all.
Our culture of sour drinks is hidden in our genes. Until a few decades ago, water was a risky drink because, as Louis Pasteur believed, it transmitted 90% of all diseases. And because – unfortunately – this still applies in many parts of the world today. In the first volume of this book, I explained how we can treat water not only risk-free but also beneficially.

Alfons Natterer and Siegfried Natterer

So your seemingly simple question about Alfons Natterer's method has now become a comprehensive historical presentation. And a plea for electro-activated water. But where would it be better placed?

I am deeply indebted to his grandson Siegfried Natterer for making the treasures from his grandfather's estate available to me for my research.

It was a great honor for me to be the first to report comprehensively on this. With his permission, I can show you, in addition to his grandfather, a picture of Siegfried Natterer, who, as an inventor and alternative practitioner, is further developing the legacy of his important ancestor.

Excerpt from the book by Karl Heinz Asenbaum: “Electro-activated water – An invention with extraordinary potential. Water ionizers from A – Z”
Copyright 2016

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