AQUACENTRUM / News / Electro Activated Water eBook | free download

Electro Activated Water eBook | free download

Download | Electro-activated water | Hardcover and e-book (pdf version) | 469 pages

At 469 pages it is Karl Heinz Asenbaum's fourth, best and most comprehensive book about alkaline active water: “Electro-activated water – An invention with extraordinary potential“. The >>> Print edition can be found here.

>>>Download | Electro-activated water | Hardcover and e-book (pdf version) | 469 pages

Aquacentrum has a limited contingent of the complete e-book edition secured to its fastest customers and prospects for a limited time free to download offer.

Why does Aquacentrum pay for the book for you?

Because this book finally clears up all fairy tales, myths, half-truths and lies about drinking water treatment. Because this book already gives a full overview on the sixth page of everything that scientists and doctors from Germany, Japan, Russia and Korea have discovered in over 1.000 doctoral theses and thousands of scientific studies and articles.

Book presentation | Electro-activated water | interview

Karl Heinz Asenbaum looks back on 15 years of direct experience with more than 4.000 water ionizer users. He knows and describes their problems and errors Handling.

In addition, Karl Heinz Asenbaum combines the findings of various specialist areas into a unique anti-aging call:

The redox revolution, we too Hydrogen revolution because the molecular hydrogen dissolved in alkaline active water can not only be drunk, but also used Elimination of oxidation damage outside our body, namely in our food, transferred to our daily diet.

By simply adding food or mixing concentrates, we can regain the original freshness from aged food, despite global transport and storage fresh from the tree" back.  

So Asenbaum's discovery works far beyond a drinking revolution. This book is worth reading from cover to cover like an exciting novel. That's why we're giving it to you. Because the situation with our nutrition is such that we don't have time for a slow revolution. We are already working on a translation into all major world languages. This 11,5 MB will change the world's food consciousness. Download and reading! There is only a limited contingent.

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