
hydronade® Magnesium – H2 effervescent tablets for producing hydrogen water containing magnesium

Original price was: €57,00Current price is: €47,00.

(12 customer ratings)


hydronade H2 magnesium effervescent tablets production of hydrogen water 400q
hydronade® Magnesium – H2 effervescent tablets for producing hydrogen water containing magnesium
57,00  Original price was: €57,0047,00 Current price is: €47,00.
Business hours: Monday through Friday 9-20 clock

Hydronade® | Magnesium – H2 effervescent tablets | for the production of hydrogen water containing magnesium

Aquacentrum favors the physical production of Hydrogen Rich Water (HRW) through the proven techniques of Diaphragm and PEM cells Electrolysis. Physical electrical activation does not require the addition of chemical substances to the water. It works by removing certain components such as acid and gases (oxygen) from the water in favor of gases (H2) and bases (OH ions) that form.

Hydronade® Magnesium – hydrogen effervescent tablets

The Hydronade® Magnesium – hydrogen effervescent tablets but offer a very practical and attractive alternative option to the water ionizer or hydrogen booster. The essential components of this hydrogen shower are magnesium, malic acid and tartaric acid, i.e. chemical substances that we know from our daily diet and tend to see as desirable. Thanks to their special formula, the Hydronade® Magnesium - H2 fizzy tablets not only release a maximum yield of molecular hydrogen, which dissolves perfectly in the water, but also give the water a pleasant, slightly apple and grape-tasting note.

We are very proud that we can offer you this after a long series of tests Product manufactured exclusively for us in Canada with a salary of 80 mg magnesium/tablet can present not only the most powerful hydrogen tablet, but also the tastiest.

Hydronade | Magnesium hydrogen effervescent tablets

hydronade® hydrogen fizzy tablets & hot water or tea

Henry Cavendish and William Henry - hydrogen scientists

The Scientists | Henry Cavendish and William Henry

Henry Cavendish (left), the richest resident of London at the time, devoted himself exclusively to science and discovered hydrogen as “flammable air”. His compatriot William Henry (right) discovered the law of proportional gas distribution between the liquid and the atmosphere above. Hydronade® circumvents this law through ultra-small gas bubbles. This increases the shelf life of hydrogen water.

proportional gas distribution in liquids and ultra-bran hydrogen gas bubbles

Hydronade® & Co More information about hydrogen water

Hydronade® hydrogen effervescent tablets are an affordable, flexible and convenient entry into the new world of healthier drinking, which has developed rapidly in the health-conscious countries of East Asia (Japan, Korea, China) since 2007. More than 100 million people already drink water containing molecular hydrogen.

Hydronade® is based on the patented ideas of Canadian inventors Alex Tarnava and Dr. Richard Holland. The formula for Hydronade®. was further developed by Aquacentrum on the basis of the patent WO 2018/011634 A 1 after extensive taste adjustments for the European market and is exclusively manufactured in Canada/USA under industrial pharmaceutical standards and originally packaged. The brand name Hydronade® was protected by the German Patent and Trademark Office in 2017 under the number 302017217850.

Hydrogen-rich water can also be produced without the use of tablets, for example using special magnesium-containing ceramics (Minerade®), which, however, require considerably more time, or “classically” through electrolysis in one wateronizer, One Hydrogen booster or one “Hydrogen Infusion Machine“, such as this H2 infuser & inhaler. Although these alternative technologies are more expensive to purchase initially than hydrogen tablets, they are worth it after just a few months if you permanently switch to hydrogen water, especially for multi-person households.

Hydronade H2 Magnesium effervescent tablets reading

Hydronade® packaging and handling

One can of Hydronade® hydrogen effervescent tablets contains 60 tablets. The original can is sealed with a transparent plastic film on the screw lid. This film tears when you first untwist it. There is a removable aluminum protective film under the lid.

The tablets themselves are located under a cotton ball, which serves as protection against damage caused by shaking during transport. Make sure a new can is undamaged. The expiry date (EXP) is printed on the bottom of the can, e.g.: EXP 05/2022 means a shelf life until May 2022.

  • Always store tablets in a closed container in a dry place, even away from water vapor. Do not transfer contents into other packaging.
  • Do not handle tablets with wet fingers. Remove individually, close the can again and immediately dissolve the tablet properly in drinking water.
  • Under no circumstances should you put it in your mouth or swallow it.
  • Keep away from children and people who are not familiar with handling.

Sometimes, despite the tablet being completely dissolved, a kind of gray haze still floats on the surface of the water due to the surface tension. In this case, stir gently until the gray haze disappears or blow on the surface of the water, as if cooling hot soup.

Hydronade® Hydrogen Water Tablets Dosage

  • Under optimal conditions, one tablet provides about 10 mg of hydrogen gas to the water. Theoretically, it produces even more H80 gas from the 2 mg of magnesium, but some of it always comes out of the water as the tablet dissolves.
  • We recommend dissolving only 1 tablet per serving in water. There are no known negative effects of very high hydrogen intake. However, excess hydrogen is excreted just a few minutes after it has been absorbed into the body, primarily through the lungs.
  • We recommend 1 – 2 Hydronade® servings daily for adults. By using just one Hydronade® effervescent tablet, the minimum target of 0,5 mg/day of dissolved molecular hydrogen accepted by most researchers can easily be exceeded.
  • Limiting the daily dose depends primarily on the amount of magnesium contained in the tablets, as 80 mg of magnesium per drinking portion is dissolved in the water with each fizzy tablet.
  • Please also remember that, depending on your diet, you may also consume magnesium through food, which should be included in your personal dosage calculation.
  • The main purpose of the Hydronade® effervescent tablets is to produce a hydrogen-rich drink and not to take magnesium. Nevertheless, many people probably say rightly: I Mag-Nesium...

Hydronade® water selection and quantity

Only use water of drinking quality with a temperature between 5 and 35o C. For tap water, we recommend pre-filtering it if necessary. When using bottled, ionized, distilled, or reverse osmosis water, you should choose a variety with a pH between pH 5 and pH 9. The tablet requires a slightly acidic environment to completely dissolve, which is ensured by the addition of the food additives malic acid (E 296), L-tartaric acid (E 334) and adipic acid (E 355). These natural acids also give Hydronade® water its slightly sour taste.

Choose an amount of water between 0,25 and 1 liter. We recommend choosing an amount of water that you can drink completely within 15 minutes of making it, otherwise some of the dissolved hydrogen could outgas again.

Hydrogen water has a pronounced negative redox potential of up to -800 millivolts, which reflects its abundance of available electrons. If you have metal inserts in your mouth such as gold teeth, amalgam fillings, braces, etc., you may sometimes experience a slightly noticeable electrical reaction in the form of tingling if the hydrogen concentration is very high. In this case, dissolve the tablet in a larger amount of water. As a rule, 0,5 liters are recommended here. If you don't want to drink that much, just take half a tablet.

Wait until the tablet has completely dissolved after about 90 seconds before drinking. After dissolution, you can also mix the hydrogen water produced with other drinks and then drink the mixed drink quickly.

Hydronade Label Magnesium effervescent tablets for the production of hydrogen water

Hydronade® and magnesium

Latent magnesium deficiency is considered a health risk factor in large population groups. It can arise from insufficient intake with food, from reduced absorption in the intestines or from excessive excretion via the kidneys and skin.

Various diseases can also worsen the magnesium balance in the body, such as alcoholism, chronic intestinal diseases (e.g. celiac disease, short bowel syndrome, malabsorption syndrome) and chronic kidney diseases, which contribute to increased magnesium losses, as well as diabetes. The most well-known symptoms of magnesium deficiency are leg cramps and muscle twitching.

However, an overdose of magnesium can also have side effects. It is therefore recommended that the maximum daily dosage of Hydronade® be based on the scientifically based recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE):

DGE recommendation magnesium in mg/day

  • Infants 0 to less than 4 months: 24 mg/day
  • Infants 4 to less than 12 months: 60 mg/day
  • Children: 1 to less than 4 years: 80 mg/day
  • Children 4 to less than 7 years: 120 mg/day
  • Children 7 to less than 10 years: 170 mg/day
  • Children 10 to less than 13 years: 230 mg/day (male) and 250 mg/day (female)
  • Children 13 to less than 15 years: 310 mg/day
  • 15 to under 19 years: 400 mg/day (male) and 350 mg/day (female)
  • 19 to under 25 years: 400 mg/day (male) and 310 mg/day (female)
  • 25 to 65 years and older: 350 mg/day (male) and 300 mg/day (female)
  • Pregnant women: 310 mg/day
  • Pregnant women < 19 years: 350 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding: 390 mg/day

Hydrogen Therapy | Research & Concerns | Tyler Lebaron ❊ Alex Tarnava

Hydronade | Invention Usage Future | Alex Tarnava ❊ Yasin Akgün

12 Reviews for hydronade® Magnesium – H2 effervescent tablets for producing hydrogen water containing magnesium

  1. C. Kaiser -

    Hello Yasin,
    you, we tested the hydrogen tablets today, 1 day after we moved.
    Extremely stimulating effect, approx. 45 minutes. Excellent.

  2. Sonya M. -

    Hello Mr Akgün,
    I transferred the first installment to you this morning using PayPal. I would transfer the other two installments 4 and 8 weeks after receiving the booster.
    I've been taking the hydrogen tablets since yesterday. I initially started with 4 x ½ tablets.
    I thought you might have to drink it for a few days before you notice anything. However, I can report that last night I slept better than I have in a long time and woke up feeling refreshed. Since the 4 halves were good for me, I'm taking 1 whole tablet each morning and evening and from tomorrow 3 tablets a day.
    We are very excited about the booster. Once it's paid for, I'll think about buying the inhaler. Then we have already gained some experience.
    Sonya M.

  3. M. -

    For the Hydronade tablets, I would generally recommend that you can also mix the tablets.
    Almost everyone has a kitchen mixer and so mixed drinks can be easily enriched with H2 if you throw in a tablet towards the end.
    The H2 yield should be better than if the tablets “effervescent” in water.

  4. Sergei S. -

    Hello Mr. Akgün,...
    ... I'm feeling better after chemo with Hydronade.
    Thank you for your support
    Best Regards,
    Sergei S.

  5. Peter Z. -

    ...The headache only goes away after 8 tablets
    People need between 300mg-800mg magnesium and your tablets are 80mg
    8*80mg =640mg

  6. horstl -

    It's been a while since I received delivery of my Hydronade tablets from you; after I bought the bluebalance ionizer from my alternative practitioner a while ago. You sent me a gift in your luggage (the “Anti-aging tablets”:-). I wanted to thank you for this because it shows your appreciation for a customer.
    That's why I've decided to thank you for that at times, because that's not something that can be taken for granted in times like these.
    Thank you
    and lg from Salzburg's Pongau

  7. Irfan c. -

    Via WhatsApp in Turkish:
    Iki tane daha yollarmisin yasin, tesekkürler. Iciyorum bu haplari. Bence miydem iyilesti sanki siskinlik gitti gibi, tesekkür ederim..
    Translation to German:
    Can you please send me 2 more cans, Yasin? Thanks. I drink these tablets, I think my stomach feels better, as if the flatulence is gone now. Thanks

  8. Rodrigo d. De F. -

    Good evening dear Mr. Akgün)
    I would like to thank you very much for the delivery (listed below in the copy)
    Thank you also for the gift of the hydrogen capsules!!
    I was very happy about that!! …
    …I myself am very enthusiastic about what you have to offer on your website. …
    …My Hydrogen H2 Go works perfectly!! I bought it on installments.
    Can I pay this off at the appropriate time with a special repayment?
    The hydrogen tablets helped my friend Michael R. from a long-term illness
    Cystitis relieved after just 2 tablets!!
    I sent Him to you. More friends will get in touch with you
    or place the order through me.
    I wish you and your team the blessings from above!
    Best Regards,
    Rodrigo D. de F.

  9. Sonja Vlaar -

    Dear Yasin
    Thank you very much for sending the connector... and especially the addition for the hydronade. That's super exciting!!!
    Now I almost have a guilty conscience because you didn't charge anything...
    If I can do something good for you in any way...let me know...
    I wish you a fulfilling day and all the best
    Sonja Vlaar

  10. Roger Zberg -

    Roger – April 27, 2018

    I find the hydrogen/magnesium tablets to be very good. I feel like I am more mobile and alert. I also feel like I am more focused in my head. They also contain magnesium (which I see as an advantage) and so I can only recommend them. Best wishes, Roger

  11. Alex -

    Producer of the Hydronade H2 tablets after a ski accident:
    “recovery was quick, no skin issues I was covered head to toe(was very cold, -20.. no exposed skin)
    I can say that I had hydrogen baths every day, 1000~ tablets in the bath kept the water white for 30 minutes. After 3 days my swollen arm that hit the tree had no swelling and just a small dark line/bruise with slight tenderness(couldn't close my fist firmly after it happened, thought may be broken)
    I couldn't believe how quickly the H2 and likely magnesium eased my muscles and got swelling down. I played soccer(football) the next weekend

  12. Kerstin H -

    Hello again,
    I spontaneously like the magnesium/hydrogen tablets and feel like I'm much more awake after drinking them. Kind regards, Kerstin H.

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Downloads for hydronade® magnesium effervescent tablets to produce hydrogen water

English downloads and studies on hydrogen water made from magnesium H2 tablets: